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噶千八十。長壽法會 ─ 序曲 Garchen Rinpoche’s 80th Birthday Celebration Ceremony (Puja) ─Overture


噶千八十。長壽法會 ─ 序曲

Garchen Rinpoche’s 80th Birthday Celebration Ceremony (Puja) ─Overture

頂禮恩師 尊貴無比的 噶千仁波切!

Homage to our peerless Guru, the most eminent Garchen Rinpoche!


今明(7/30~7/31)最為殊勝的吉祥日,連續兩天在台北舉行噶千八十長壽法會,由尊貴的 噶陀仁千珍寶仁波切主法帶領共修白度母法,現場有近二十位僧眾、近八十位志工,兩百多位信眾參加長壽法會。不分教派的上師和弟子眾同心祈請 大悲怙主 噶千仁波切長壽住世。

On the auspicious days of 30th and 31st of July, the celebration ceremony of Garchen Rinpoche's 80th birthday is being held in Taipei. Led by H. E. Gathog Rigzin Chenpo Rinpoche, an assembly of 20 monks and nuns, more than 200 lay practitioners and 80 volunteers from different schools of Buddhism practice the sadhana of White Tara together and pray whole heartedly for the longevity of H. E. Garchen Rinpoche, the Lord of Compassion.


尊貴的噶千仁波切早上八點多就到達會場,大家熱烈的期盼歡迎 恩師的到來。仁波切一到,一一欣賞會場的每個角落(清淨浴佛區,噶千法教結緣專區,噶千八十感恩卡片留言板和晉見 仁波切區)。隨即進入接見信眾區,接見任何想見仁波切的人。

H.E. Garchen arrived the venue just over 8:00 am today. Everyone welcomed Rinpoche’s arrival enthusiastically with lots of joy. H.E. Garchen Rinpoche walked and looked around each section (Buddha Bath, Garchen’s teachings books and DVDs, Noteboard for Garchen’s 80 Birthday Blessings and Audience sections). Later on, Rinpoche entered Audience section and started the audience.


九點開始時,僧眾莊嚴地入場,參加者已安靜地坐在位置上持咒。除了台北法會現場,透過網路直播,全球四眾齊心持誦白度母心咒,以最虔誠的心向 恩師噶千仁波切敬獻最殊勝的法供養,祈願眾生最勝依怙 噶千仁波切之尊身壽命極長久,佛行事業永昌盛!願以此累積廣大的福德資糧和淨除一切罪障,饒益一切遍虛空如母有情。

Starting at 9 am, the Sanghas entered the shrine hall, greeted by the participants who have been sitting quietly since earlier time. Besides the real-time TV broadcasting, live-streaming on the internet is also available for disciples all over the world to participate and recite White Tara mantra. With the utmost devotion toward our Guru, we present the supreme offering of Dharma and dedicate to the long life of the supreme Protector of all beings, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, and to the flourishing of his enlightened activities. May we also accumulate the greatest merits and purify all obscurations through this practice, and may it benefit all the mother sentient beings as pervasive as space!


歷代 噶千仁波切均修持白度母法成就,被視為白度母化身。仁波切亦曾說:遇到任何困難時,祂都跟白度母祈請,白度母是祂主要的本尊修持。在此殊勝吉祥長壽法會,共修白度母法,持誦白度母心咒,作為殊勝的長壽供養,迴向 恩師長壽住世,教法廣弘。弟子眾於此吉祥日歡喜虔敬持頌白度母,深深憶念白度母,願與度母相應,建立與上師不離的殊勝緣起。

The current life and previous incarnations of H. E. Garchen Rinpoche have achieved the realization through practicing White Tara as he is considered to be the embodiment of White Tara. H.E. Garchen Rinpoche also said: When encountering any obstacle, he always prays to White Tara. White Tara is his main deity practice. In this auspicious long life ceremony (puja), we practice White Tara and recite White Tara mantra as the supreme offering to our Guru, H.E. GarchenRinpoche, to wish him long life and his teachings be pervasive. All the disciples recite White Tara mantra joyfully with strong devotion. By thinking of White Tara we are connected to the deity, which is an auspicious sign symbolizing that we are not separated from our Guru.


早上的兩座修法已結束,願迴向 恩師長壽安康,長久住世;願其教法永傳,利益一切有情。

We have finished the first and second sessions in the morning. With this merit, may our Guru enjoy long life and stay healthy; may his teachings be infinite, last forever and bring greatest benefit to all sentient beings.




“Long Life Prayer for H.E. Garchen Rinpoche”

The one known in the Holy Land as Aryadeva, emanated into the Gar clan of Eastern Tibet as Chödingpa. The heart son of Jikten Gönpo, may the life of glorious Garchen remain steadfast for a hundred aeons! In this age of strife when the Victor's teaching faces hardship. Through his powerful, vajra-like conduct, He takes on himself the heavy responsibility of the unbiased teaching. May Garchen, the Sun of the Teachings, live long!


願利一切有情!May this benefit all sentient beings!


台灣噶千佛學會Taiwan Garchen Dharma Insitute
