台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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噶千八十。長壽法會 現場報導 Garchen 80’s Birthday Long Life Celebration Ceremony


噶千八十。長壽法會 現場報導

Garchen 80’s Birthday Long Life Celebration Ceremony



Four sections were set up in the entrance of the hall for participants to visit:


噶千仁波切菩薩行攝影專區:Gallery for Garchen Bodhisattva’s Activities




The photographs record H.E. Garchen Rinpoche’s activities for the benefit of all sentient beings. Rinpoche’s compassion and kindness was revealed in each photo.


清淨浴佛區:Buddha Bath


尊貴的 噶千仁波切特別指示設置浴佛區,仁波切時時憶念眾生的福慧資糧,願以禮讚浴佛的功德,淨化自身語意,迴向一切眾生脫離煩惱塵垢,證得諸佛一樣的清淨法身。


H.E. Garchen Rinpoche particularly instructed to set up Buddha Bath Section. Rinpoche always thinks of the merit and wisdom for sentient beings. With the merit accumulated from bathing the Buddha, our bodies, speech and mind may be purified. May all beings be free of worrying, negative emotions and obscurations, to attain Dharmakaya as pure as all Buddhas.


噶千法教結緣專區:Garchen Teaching Section

在奇美多傑仁波切指導下,全心全力整理製作近兩年 怙主 噶千仁波切在台弘法的開示,總共有十本書籍提供法會現場隨喜結緣,包涵《白度母》《彌陀天法》《噶千語錄、一》《佛子行三十七頌》《上師瑜珈講記》 《如何修持「七支供養」》《尋求真正的皈依》《噶千語錄、二》《集瑞煙供儀軌法》《嗡啊吽金剛誦》。


For two years Garchen volunteers and staff collected whole heartedly the teachings given by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche in Taiwan. There are ten books published for people to obtain without any charge, including “White Tara”, “Teachings of Amitābha”, “Gar Quotes: 1”, “Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva”, “Teachings of Guru Yoga Practice”, “How to Practice Seven Branch Prayers”, “Looking for Real Refuge”, “Gar Quotes: 2”, “Practice Text: Smoke Offering” and “Vajra Recitation: Om Ah Hung”. (All are written in Chinese, except “Gar Quote 1” & “Gar Quote 2” are written in Chinese and English.)


法會現場還有三片殊勝影音DVD/CD與法友歡喜結緣。There are also three DVD/CD for our dharma friends free to obtain at the entrance.


三十咒音攝大千- 噶千仁波切親誦咒音精華總集DVD,仁波切於禪坐中,自然宣講咒音源源不絕,是 仁波切慈悲與智慧心意的流露,虔敬供養「三十咒音攝大千」DVD作為「噶千八十 長壽法會」殊勝的結緣品。


It is a collection of chanting of 30 mantras by Garchen Rinpoche. Rinpoche chanted the mantras naturally at meditation state. The mantras reveal his compassion, kindness and wisdom mind. We offer this DVD as the gift to make connection with whoever participates Garchen 80’s Birthday Long Life Celebration Ceremony.


Blessing CD-由 奇美多傑仁波切的妹妹製作、奇美多傑仁波切設計封面。唱誦的白度母心咒作為敬獻給尊貴上師同時亦是母舅 噶千仁波切的供養,咒音動人心璇。其他內容還包含 噶千仁波切長壽祈請文、七支供養文、噶千仁波切心咒。


Blessing CD was recorded and produced by Chimi Dorjee Rinpoche’s sister. The CD cover was designed by Chimi Dorjee Rinpoche. Chimi Dorjee Rinpoche offered White Tara mantra to H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, who is also his mother’s brother. The chanting sounds very touching and moved. The CD also contains “Long Life Prayer for H.E. Garchen Rinpoc

he”, “Seven Branch Prayers” and “Garchen Rinpoche Mantra”.


利樂甘露DVD:The Nectar that Benefit All Beings DVD

尊貴的 噶千仁波切親自慈悲錄影的煙供儀軌完整修持影片,法友們可以跟隨著影片中仁波切的念誦,配合中文字幕,與仁波切一起修持煙供,願大家都生起歡喜心,也願許多有形無形眾生都透過煙供獲得利益!


This video recording contains the complete practice of smoke offering chanted by H. E. Garchen Rinpoche. Students are encouraged to practice with Rinpoche simultaneously, following the sound of his recitation ad the accompanied Chinese subtitles. May joy arise in all who are connected, and may all beings, with and without forms, benefit from the practice of smoke offering.


晉見 仁波切區Meeting with Rinpoche


恩師 噶千仁波切,對一切眾生都視如親子,無盡的慈愛,祂接見任何一位想見祂的信眾,不論自己有多忙多累,永遠以眾生為第一考量。


Our most precious guru treats everyone as his own child. With his immense love, he meets with all devotees who want to see him in person. No matter how tired he is, Rinpoche always considers sentient beings as the first priority.


噶千八十感恩卡片留言板Bulletin Board of Gratitude Cards




Four pieces of bulletin boards are provided for students to write down their words of gratitude and greetings, as well as special wishes for Rinpoche's longevity and good health.


願利一切有情!May this benefit all sentient beings!


台灣噶千佛學會Taiwan Garchen Dharma Insitute
