台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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噶千八十。長壽法會 現場報導 - 2


尊貴的 恩師 噶千仁波切,接見弟子眾之後,每次休息,一定走到浴佛區禮讚浴佛,然後跟志工、法友們親切說聲謝謝,大菩薩總是以身示範,讓弟子們從旁學習不斷累積福慧資糧的重要性,將學到的法教切實融入生活裡。


During each break time, after interviewing the disciples, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche would approach to the area especially designed for bathing the Buddha and joyfully hold up the scoop while letting the water flow on the statue of the baby Buddha. Then he would greet and say “Thank you” to volunteers and Dharma friends. Great Bodhisattva always practices what he preaches so the disciples can learn the importance of accumulating the merit and wisdom continuously and apply the teachings to daily lives.


修法告尾聲時,恩師 噶千仁波切聽到之後,非常恭敬筆直站好,準備迎接主法上師尊貴的 噶陀仁千珍寶仁波切下座,兩位菩薩相遇,恩師 噶千仁波切快步上前相迎,彼此恭敬以額頂額,然後,恩師 噶千仁波切將噶陀仁千珍寶仁波切的手拿起來加持自己,噶千仁波切俏皮搶噶陀仁千珍寶仁波切的背包,想幫主法上師背背包,兩位菩薩彼此謙讓、恭敬,有幸目睹這一幕,令人動容,實在我們弟子眾學習的典範。


When the afternoon session of the first day was about to finish, H. E. Garchen Rinpoche came to the hallway and stood straight with gratitude, ready to welcome the leading master Gathog Rigzin Chenpo Rinpoche as he left the shrine hall. H. E. Garchen Rinpoche trotted to welcome Gathog Rigzin Chenpo Rinpoche and took his hands to give blessings on himself. H. E. Garchen Rinpoche then grabbed Chenpo Rinpoche’s bag pack and wanted to carry for him cheerfully and playfully. These two Bodhisattvas showed respect and humbleness to each other in a way that touched all who had the great fortune to see. It is a marvelous example for us.



The activities of Bodhisattvas transcend all statements on the scriptures and commentaries and must be carried out in our daily lives!



The video is shared by one of our dharma friends:

願利一切有情!May this benefit all sentient beings!


台灣噶千佛學會Taiwan Garchen Dharma Insitute
