台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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噶千禪修園區開光儀式記實報導(With English)


約300多人來參加開光典禮,其中有約30位信徒來自海外。典禮開始前,僧眾吹起海螺、嗩吶領隊, 尊貴的噶千仁波切於僧眾隊伍後面,慈悲地微笑著並對信眾招手,碩大的五色寶傘撐起,非常莊嚴。
Early in the morning, the volunteers in Wanli centre got busy cleaning the environment and showing dharma friends around the centre. We made a smoke offering, consisting of various precious Tibetan medicines, including juniper wood and herbs from Lapchi. The fragrance was very special and hung around the entrance to the shrine room. The ceremony started with the Sangha reciting the White Tara Mantra and there was a peaceful sound of the creek next to the shrine room.
Over 300 people are attending this opening ceremony, about 30 from overseas. At the beginning of the ceremony, monastics played gyaling and conch shell ahead of H. E. Garchen Rinpoche who compassionately smiled and waved to people. He was shaded by a large umbrella adorned with beautiful five-coloured fibre, all was auspicious and aroused devotion in those attending.
Before entering the shrine room, we recited The Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones and a prayer for world peace. As everyone entered the shrine room and took their seats we all recited the Mani mantra. Inside we practised Lama Chopa, a smoke offering, and White Zhambala. This was a most auspicious beginning for the new centre.
After the practice, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche gave a brief teaching about the Three Jewels, especially the importance of the monastic sangha and how we have a precious opportunity to make offerings to the sangha today.
We will receive a teaching on Guru Yoga this afternoon.