台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 若遇貪愛緣境,轉而認出煩惱本貌

我們應該努力認出所有在心中生起的念頭,並思維它們造 成的結果。比如,假設我是真正的大手印行者,當憤怒等 負面情緒生起時,便會在那一刻就認出它。我也會認出它 具有使人投生惡道的力量。對於這一點,我們不只要有知 識上的了解,還要透過機警的正念覺知來作修持。

舉例來說,你在店裡購物,看見許多令人歡愉的事物,包括衣服、鞋子、渴望的物品等等。你的心受到這些事物所 吸引,如果當下無法認出心中生起的貪欲,便可能會購買各式各樣的東西。我們取得許多的物品,認為它們會帶來 快樂。但事實上,由於未能認出負面情緒而隨之起舞,我們可能認為自己不過是在累積物品,然而其實卻是在累積 未來痛苦的因。

反之,如果我們遵循密勒日巴的建言,在遇到貪愛緣境的 剎那認出自己的執著;也就是在負面情緒生起的那一刻,把心轉而向內觀察負面情緒的本身,便會發現自己並無理 由要對自行生起的欲望採取任何行動。

We should make an effort to recognize whatever thoughts arise in the mind and to contemplate their fruition. For example, if I am truly a Mahamudra practitioner, then when a negative emotion like anger arises, I will recognize it at that moment. I will also recognize that it has the power to cause a lower rebirth. It is necessary not only to understand this intellectually, but to put it into practice through our own vigilant mindful awareness.

For example, if you are shopping in a store, you will see many delightful things, clothing and shoes and objects of desire. The mind is attracted to these things. If we don't recognize that attachment arising in the mind, then we can purchase all kinds of things. We obtain many objects thinking this will cause happiness. But in fact, by not recognizing the negative emotions and instead acting upon them, we may think we are accumulating objects, but what we are really accumulating is causes of suffering for the future.

If on the other hand, we follow the advice of Milarepa, who said to recognize attachment when meeting desirable circumstances - if at the moment of the negative emotions' arising, we turn the mind inward upon itself, then we will see that there is no reason to act upon a spontaneous arising of desire.