台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 淨化惡業、累積福德的因:菩提心


當我們持守要令眾生解脫的承諾時,會持續不斷地為了眾 生而行。我們不會做任何行為而只為了利益自己。就連身 上最細微的毛孔,也不會有只為己利的這種想法。實際上,我們採納的是一種廣大的心量─即使有必要投生下三 道,也沒關係。我所做的一切都是為了利益他人。

當我們具有這樣的心態時,身、語、意的一切活動都將變 得良善。我們應該不斷憶念生起菩提心的功德,菩提心能 將我們安置於道上,也能成為我們淨化惡業、累積福德的 因,我們應該因此而感到隨喜。

The essence of practice is really in the mind itself, it is accumulating virtue in the mind. When we hold to the commitment that we have made to liberate beings, we continuously act on their behalf. We don't act in order to benefit just ourselves in any way. Not even with the smallest pore of our skin do we wish to bring benefit to ourselves alone. In fact, we take the vast mind that says - even if I need to take rebirth in the three lower realms that is fine. Everything I do is for the benefit of others.

When we have this kind of mindset, then all of our activities of body, speech, and mind become virtuous. We should recall again and again the qualities of generating bodhicitta, that it establishes us on the path, that it becomes a cause for us to purify negativities and accumulate virtue, and we should rejoice accordingly.