台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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  100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation


剎那念盡恆沙佛 便是蓮花國裡人

主法上師:尊貴的第八世 噶千仁波切

Master: H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Date: September 21-24, 2017 (Thur. - Sun.)
Venue: Taipei Innovation City Convention Center
Address: B2, no.223, sec. 3, Beixin Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan


Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara Initiation and teachings on Prayer of Kuntusangpo

2013年起,尊貴的 噶千仁波切每年在台灣主持彌陀法會,每一年都在法會中給予不同的殊勝灌頂以及法教講授,每一年都特別弘揚殊勝的阿彌陀佛極樂淨土法門。

Since 2013, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche has been leading 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation annually in Taiwan and has given teachings on the Pureland of Amitabha Buddha, as well as special initiations and teachings durring this auspicious event.

This year, Garchen Rinpoche will bestow the precious Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara initiation and give teachings on "Prayer of Kungtusangpo". May all disciples with karmic link gather together to receive precious teachings, give rise to Boddhichitta and benefit all beings.


【皈依】9/24 上午11:00授予皈依戒,欲皈依者請於10:30抵達會場。皈依需要報名:https://www.beclass.com/rid=203c8375987cf0a156aa

  1. English translation is available for this event. Please bring your own FM receiver.
  2. No need to register. Please be seated on time.
  3. Refuge: Refuge ceremony will be held at AM11:00 on September 24. For those who would like to receive refuge vows, please arrive by AM10:30.
  4. Lunch: free veggie box lunch will be offered to all participants. Please ask for lunch voucher by AM9:00 at the information desk.