台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 課程活動 / 《千手千眼觀音齋戒》修持法講授

Teachings on Avalokitesvara Nyungne Practice (Please read English information below.)


2017年秋季,觀音化身-尊貴的 噶千仁波切-即將講授殊勝的《千手千眼觀音齋戒修持法》,並特別宣講「 戒律功德」及傳授「 受戒戒本」,祈願弟子們皆能成就千手千眼觀音菩薩。



  • 不需要報名
  • 日期:2017年9月16日(週六) - 17日(週日)
  • 時間:09:00 – 17:00
  • 地點:台北矽谷國際會議中心 B2 (新北市新店區北新路三段223號  B2 )
  • 本課程不收費;午餐(素食便當)由佛學會免費供應。

★ 報到時間:08:00。




**For Oversea Dharma friends**
Teachings on Avalokitesvara Nyungne Practice

  1. Oversea registration, please click this link.
  2. English translation will be provided for this event. Please bring your own FM receiver.
  3. Date:September 16 - 17(Saturday-Sunday)
  4. Time: 09:00 – 17:00
  5. Admission begins at  AM 8:00.
  6. Venue: Taipei Innovation City Convention Center
    (B2, no.223, Sec. 3, Beixin Road,Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan)

  7. Transportation : Take MRT to Dapinglin Station(G04) on green line, and leave from Exit 4. Go straight on Beixin Rd.and cross the road at the first traffic light.
  8. Course and lunches are free.

