台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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噶千法教-開示文章、法教報導:法教報導:所有本尊,都由菩提心而生 All deities arise from Boddhichitta
所有本尊,都由菩提心而生 All deities arise from Boddhichitta







台灣噶千佛學會 合十



All deities arise from Boddhichitta


The accomplishment practice (Aria Tara text) in discussion was written by the previous Garchen Rinpoche (the 7th Garchen Rinpoche). He wrote he saw Aria Tara in his dream. Actually he saw Tara in his pure view, but he wrote that he only saw Tara in his dream. We have to understand the method of accomplishment. This is very important.


First we must understand that all deities are one in wisdom. Yeshe Tsogyal once asked: where do all the deities come from? Guru Rinpoche replied: all deities arise from Boddhichitta. All past, present and future Buddhas all make vows to benefit all sentient beings. They accumulate enormous merits, develop kindness and compassion, and eventually reach enlightenment. Their attitude and our attitude are different. We always accumulate fortune, but they develop Boddhichitta. We must know that the method of accomplishment and the way of practice is to develop kindness and compassion. After we understand kindness and compassion and developing Boddhichitta, we can realize supreme non-dual wisdom, we realize non-duality, and eventually we can exercise vast activities to benefit sentient beings.


Garchen Dharma Institute
