台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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回顧:噶千仁波切在彌陀法會帶領修持超度 Review: Garchen Rinpoche lead Chang Chog puja in 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation





台灣噶千佛學會 合十



Review: Garchen Rinpoche lead Chang Chog puja in 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation


On the fourth day, the completion day, of 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation, HE Garchen a Rinpoche lead the attendees to practice the Amitabha text and Chang Chog puja (Puja for the deceased) text together. These texts were all compiled by HE Garchen Rinpoche. In this degenerating age, it's rare to meet such teacher with great merits and wisdom who can edit and compile such precious texts. For benefiting both living and deceased beings, Garchen Rinpoche compiled these two previous texts with enormous loving kindness. We were so lucky to be able to practice such texts under the guidance of him, to arise Bodhichitta to benefit all beings!


Garchen Dharma Institute (Taiwan)
