台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 若無菩提心,本尊便如死屍

即使受過許多灌頂,若你了解本尊的自性,就會知道僅僅 修持一位本尊便已足夠。若能真誠修持一位本尊,便可成 就一切本尊的本質。事實上,專注修持一位本尊是比較好 的,因為如此較有助於串習本尊而達到不忘本尊的程度。 成就本尊,意指絕對不忘本尊,也就是本尊永遠在你心中,從未與你分離。由於本尊總是在你心中,你便成為那位本 尊。如果你從未與本尊分離,那麼在死後的中陰時,你也 會記起本尊,因而證得本尊的報身相,獲證佛果。

有時候,人們會擔心領受太多灌頂,因為他們認為自己沒 辦法持守那麼多三昧耶。事實上,如果你修持慈心、悲 心與正念的根本三昧耶戒,那麼即使只持誦一位本尊的心 咒,便是持守了所有本尊的三昧耶。為了要瞭解這一點,就必須瞭解本尊的本質。如果你認為本尊都是各自獨立 的,就會有矛盾。實際上,一位智慧尊的力量,在所有本尊之中也都擁有。不同本尊的示現,乃為因應有情眾生各 種不同的想法和傾向,但其實所有本尊的自性都是同一 個。所有本尊的自性就是菩提心。因此,如果你修持菩提 心和正念,並且只持誦一位本尊的心咒,便是持守了所有 的三昧耶。如果你不修持菩提心和正念,則不論持誦多少 不同的咒語,都並未因此而持守三昧耶。這是因為菩提心 乃本尊的命力所在。若無菩提心,本尊便如死屍。

然而,每天至少要修持一位本尊,這是必須的。在很多灌 頂的法本中,於複誦三昧耶段落時都會提到,行者必須要 持誦該位本尊的心咒。不過,每一本法本都必須要這麼說,因為往昔大師們在只領受該灌頂後就終其一生地修持它。 基於此,在各個灌頂法本中一定要提到這一點。但對於今 日的我們而言,既然大家都領受了這麼多灌頂,關鍵則在 於了解灌頂的意義和本質。有道是:「本智空界中,眾佛 乃為一。」

Even though you have received many empowerments, if you understand the nature of the deity, you understand that it is sufficient to only practice a single deity. By practicing a single deity genuinely, you are accomplishing the essence of all deities. In fact, it is better to focus on the practice of just one deity, because then it will be easier to habituate to the deity to the point where you will not forget about the deity. To accomplish the deity means to never forget about the deity, it means that the deity always remains in your mind, it never separates from you. As it is always in your mind, you become the deity. If you never separate from the deity, you will also remember the deity in the Bardo after death, upon which you will attain enlightenment into the samboghakaya form of the deity.

Sometimes, people worry about receiving too many empowerments because they think that they cannot keep all the samayas. Actually, if you practice the root samaya of love, compassion and mindfulness, you are keeping all samayas of all deities, even if you only recite the mantra of one deity. In order to understand this, you must understand the essence of the deity. If you think that the deities are all separate, there will be a conflict. Actually, the power of one wisdom deity is contained within all deities. Various deities appear in order to suit the various thoughts and inclinations of sentient beings, but actually their nature is one and the same. The nature of all deities is bodhichitta. Therefore, if you practice bodhichitta and mindfulness, and only recite the mantra of one deity, you are keeping all your samayas. If you do not practice bodhicitta and mindfulness, no matter how many different mantras you recite, you are not keeping your samayas. That is because bodhicitta is the very life-energy of the deity. Without bodhicitta, the deity is like a dead body.

However, it is necessary to practice at least one deity on a daily basis. In the various empowerment texts, it is mentioned in the section of repeating the samaya that one must recite the mantra of that deity, but this must be mentioned in each sadhana because in the old days the masters would only receive this one empowerment and then practice this for the rest of their lives. For this reason, it must be mentioned in each empowerment text. But for us, since we receive so many empowerments nowadays, it is crucial to understand the meaning and essence of the empowerment. It is said: "In the expanse of primordial wisdom, all the Buddhas are one."