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噶千仁波切親誦咒音:普巴金剛心咒(短韻) Mantra chanting by HE Garchen Rinpoche:Vajrakilaya mantra (quick version)








佛學會影片專區: www.garchen.tw/Shared_resources/Video


台灣噶千佛學會 合十



Mantra chanting by HE Garchen Rinpoche:Vajrakilaya mantra (quick version)


Dear Dharma friends, we would like to share Garchen Rinpoche's mantra chanting audio with you (quick version). This is how the mantra is chanted for long time in Vajrakilaya Drubchen. It is also recommended by Garchen Rinpoche for listening. My all be benefitted!


Below are some stories about Garchen Rinpoche's connection with the deity Vajrakilaya:


After the eighth Garchen Rinpoche was released from the labor camp, he found the local monasteries were all destroyed. He found a cave near Gar Monastery where the ice was in the shape of a triangle, therefore, he was sure it's the holy place of Vajrakilaya. Because of the profound connection with Vajrakilaya, Garchen Rinpoche instructs Gar Monastery to perform Vajrakilaya Puja of Radna Lingpa lineage every year. Therefore, Garchen Buddhist Institute in Arizona, USA also holds Vajrakilaya Drubchen each year. (Thus was given by Gape Lama on 14th of November, 2015 before the Drubchen began)


Video page: www.garchen.tw/Shared_resources/Video


May all be benefitted!


Garchen Dharma Institute, Taiwan.
