台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 為什麼證悟自心即是佛?

摘自2012 年仁波切於新加坡阿彌陀佛閉關的問答錄:

Q&A with HE Garchen Rinpoche during 2012 Amidewa Retreat in Singapore

問:仁波切說不論是誰,只要是證得自心本性的人就是佛。仁 波切可以做進一步說明嗎?.

Q: Rinpoche said that whoever realizes the nature of mind is Buddha. Can Rinpoche please explain this further?

仁波切:眾生相信於主客二元,他們認為他們自己與其他人是 獨立分開的。當你直接經驗到自然的狀態時,所有這些概念和 執念都全部瓦解。當自他的想法瓦解時,當不再執著於慣性的 散漫思想時,我們了悟到自心本性實際上就像虛空一般。在虛 空之中,沒有獨立分離或二元。獨立分離只是一種意念。當這 些造作的意念崩解時,我們將會了知無止盡、有如虛空一般的 自心本性。輕鬆自在的感覺會生起。在了知眾生尚未了悟這個 實相之後,我們會保有無緣的悲心。安住於自然的心性狀態下 是最安樂的境界。但是眾生尚未見到他們自己的真實本性,以困惑的心無止盡地在夢幻般的輪迴中受苦。這是非常遺憾的,因此了悟實相者的悲心,會自然的遍滿一切。

GR: Sentient beings believe in a subject-object duality, they think that they themselves are separate from the others out there. When you directly experience the natural state, all these ideas and fixations fall apart. When the thinking of self and others falls apart, when one doesn't cling to the habitual discursive thoughts, one realizes that the nature of mind is actually like space. There is no separation or duality in space. Separation is only a mental construct. When these mental fabrications collapse one will know the endless space-like nature of mind. There is a sense of ease and peace. Knowing that sentient beings have not realized this reality, one maintains unconditioned compassion. Abiding in the natural state of mind is a most peaceful and joyous state. But sentient beings have not seen their own true nature, with confused minds the endlessly suffer in illusory samsara. This is a great pity, thus the compassion of those who know reality naturally prevails.

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2012/10/08 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)