台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 心的本性

當你禪修時,讓心休息並觀察心的本性。在過去的念頭已停止而 未來的念頭尚未生起之前有一個空隙,一個完全沒有任何執念的 空隙。如果你能覺察到這個空隙,那就持續地安住其中就好。

我們不能說看見了這空性的一刻,也不能說沒看見。需要去認 出來的是那個想著「我看見了」,和那個想著「我還沒看見」 的起念者。是它造作了一切的行為。你必須覺察出它就是你心 的本性。這個本性超越來去,恆時安住如虛空一般。念頭來來 去去,因此不要執持念頭,應去注意那個不論有多少念頭來去 盤繞,卻恆時安住者。

When you meditate, just rest and watch the nature of your mind. There will be a space where past thoughts have ceased and future thoughts have not yet arisen, and that space is completely empty of all fixations. If you recognize this space, simply continue to remain within it.

One cannot say this moment of emptiness has been seen, nor can one say it has not been seen. But the one who thinks, "I have seen it," this is the one to be recognized. And the one who thinks, "I have not seen it," is also the one to be recognized. It is the one who performs all the actions. This is the one that you must recognize as the nature of your mind. This nature is beyond coming and going, it always remains like space. Thoughts come and go, so do not hold on to them, but pay attention to what always remains, no matter what comes and goes around it.

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2011/8/7 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)