台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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不論生起什麼情緒或念頭,對治的方法只有一個:正念正知。 不論生起什麼,繼續保持在心的本然狀態。不要想「有」或「它 是這樣」,也不要想「沒有」或「它不是這樣」。放下所有的 信念,不要執取任何事物。只有在見到如虛空般廣闊、無拘束 自在的心性時,才能摧毀負面的念頭。在真正的自心本性中, 沒有「有」或「非有」,沒有「這個」或「那個」,沒有「真」 或「非真」,沒有「好」或「壞」,沒有「對」或「錯」。心 性安住有如超越時空的廣袤虛空,當你在心性中休息時,一切 世間事似乎都變成枉然。

How you overcome ordinary thoughts? You must maintain mindfulness and not grasp at whatever arises. No matter which emotion or thought arises, there is only one antidote; mindful awareness. No matter what arises, continue to remain within the natural state of mind. Neither think, 'it exists, OR 'this is how it is,' nor think, 'it doesn't exist,' OR 'this is not how it is.' Let go of all beliefs and do not hold on to anything. Only by seeing the space like unconfined nature of mind you will be able to destroy negative thoughts.

In the true nature of mind, there is no existence or non-existence, no this or that, no truth or untruth, no good or bad, no right or wrong. All worldly affairs seem futile when you rest in this nature that abides like the expanse of space transcending time.

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2011/9/14 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)