台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 菩提心

菩提心不是那種只適合在這裡或那裡修持的法門。菩提心是一 切。菩提心是基礎,是實際的修持,同時也是最終的結果。因 此,您應該日夜不間斷地修持菩提心。半夜醒來時,不要想著 自己,而要憶念眾生和眾生的痛苦。不論是誰,只要尚未了悟 心性-實相,就會感到痛苦。不論是否有財富、美貌、權勢、 聰慧,只要是尚未了悟事物的實相,就註定要受苦。不要忘記 他們的痛苦,鼓起勇氣並下定決心不丟下他們,並且做各種的 事情幫助他們脫離痛苦。透過菩提心,你將了悟「我」不存在,我執將被摧毀,因為當你想到他人的時候,你不再想到自己。

究竟而言,「自己」和「他人」只是念頭而已。了知自他沒有 分別時,我們就能開始體會菩提心、大悲心的珍貴之處。

Bodhicitta is not a practice that fits here or there. Bodhicitta is everything. Bodhicitta is the preliminary, it is also the actual practice, and it is also the result in the end. Thus, you should cultivate bodhicitta day and night, continuously. When you wake up at night, do not think of yourself, remember sentient beings, and remember their suffering. Whoever has not realized the nature of mind, reality itself, suffers. Whether they are rich, poor, beautiful, powerful, smart, or not, if they have not realized how things really are, they are bound to suffer. Do not forget their suffering and give rise to the courageous resolve not to leave them behind but to engage in activities that will help them become free of suffering.

Through bodhicitta, you will realize that there is no self, self-grasping will be destroyed, for when you think of others you do not think about yourself.

Ultimately 'self' and 'other' are but thoughts. When we understand that we are not separate from others, we begin to fathom the preciousness of compassion, of bodhicitta.

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2011/9/26 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)