台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 白度母的七眼

仁波切近期受邀造訪印度德拉敦菩提寺(強久林),於此期間,直貢依怙主澈贊法王對白度母七隻眼睛的含意做了闡釋。由於 弟子們過去一直重複向仁波切求問白度母七眼的含意,因此仁 波切希望透過本語錄轉達法王的開示:



為了證得三圓滿解脫門,修行者必須培養四無量心──無量慈、 無量悲、無量喜、無量平等心。四無量心是成就三圓滿解脫門 的因。

During H.E. Garchen Rinpoche's recent visit at Jangchubling in Dehra Dun, India, His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche clarified the meaning of White Tara's seven eyes. As students have asked about this again and again, Rinpoche would like to pass on the explanation on White Tara's seven eyes in this quote:

"White Tara's seven eyes represent the Three Gates of Complete Emancipation and the Four Immeasurables. The Three Gates of Complete Emancipation are: wishlessness, signlessness--all phenomena lack inherently existing characteristics such as color and shape, and emptiness—the enlightened mind that realizes the empty nature of the former two. In order to attain the Three Gates of Complete Emancipation one must cultivate the Four Immeasurables—immeasurable love, immeasurable compassion, immeasurable joy, and immeasurable equanimity. The Four Immeasurables are thus the cause of the Three Gates of Complete Emancipation."

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2011/11/26 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)