台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 明光瑜伽

明光瑜伽就是在整個白天和夜晚之中保持正念,除此之外沒有 其他的明光瑜伽。一開始必須要能夠在整個白天保持正念。等 到在整個白天之中,心皆可以保持非常清晰敏銳之後,就可以 將這個狀態持續到夜晚。

當你保持著正念入睡時,在明覺與空性的雙運之中,你會先覺 察做夢的狀態。這個覺察叫做「覺知夢的光明」。最後,經由 穩定持續的正念,即使夢境也會消失,你將自然安住於明性之 中,覺知將持續下去。到了最後,即使在深沉睡眠的狀態中,也可以保持明覺。明覺有如一盞燈火的光,沒有念頭,只有著 微細的睡眠感覺。當你能持續不斷保持明覺,就是成就了明光 瑜伽──日夜之中毫無任何一絲散亂分心。


Apart from sustaining mindfulness throughout the day and night there is no other clear light yoga. It begins with being able to sustain mindfulness throughout the day. When your mind is very clear and sharp during the day, eventually it will carry through the night. When you fall asleep continuing to sustain mindfulness, in a union of clear awareness and emptiness, you will first recognize the dream state. This recognition is called "recognizing the luminosity of the dream." Then eventually, through consistent mindfulness, even the dream state will disappear, and you will rest in clarity naturally; awareness will remain. Eventually clear awareness will even remain during the deep sleep state. It is like the illumination of a lamp flame. There are no thoughts, and there is a subtle feeling of your sleep's rest. This is accomplished when you sustain clear awareness continuously—remain free from the slightest distraction—throughout day and night.

Finally, in deep sleep you will recognize the clear light of deep sleep. What we call clear light is your ability to outshine thoughts and emotions or feelings with clear awareness. These thoughts, while arising, dissolve without having affected you or leaving a trace behind. A beginning practitioner will sustain mindfulness sometimes, and then will again become unmindful. This must first be overcome during the day. You must first be able to destroy whatever habitual thoughts arise, then habituate sustaining clear awareness. Then when you go to sleep, uphold mindfulness by falling asleep practicing the OM AH HUNG Vajra Recitation. At times you might remember the OM AH HUNG during the dream state, and eventually mindfulness will remain even in the deep sleep state.

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2011/12/31 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)