台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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2012 新年快樂!

對於已經如實見到自心本性並且能夠穩定安住於心性上的人,當他們看著心的時候,看見的是如虛空一般的空性本質,沒有 任何可供辨識的特性。心性有如虛空,無法以言語描述。

密勒日巴說:「當虛空與心了無差別,即是圓滿法身。」這空性、 如虛空一般的本質就是法身的特質。空性之外還有鮮活明朗的 覺知,能夠了知這虛空一般的空性本質。明性的本質是空性,而空性的本質是明性,二者無二無別,是明性與空性的雙運。 報身的功德由這本質生起,也就是清澈明朗的覺知。由明性與 空性自然放射大悲的光輝,遍及虛空一切處所。因此我們說佛 的大悲心遍滿一切處,周遍的大悲心即是化身。

A person who has seen the nature of mind as it is and has gained stability in abiding in it, as they watch their mind they see the empty essence like space, unidentifiable. The nature of mind cannot be described; it is like space. Milarepa said, "When there is no difference between space and mind, that is the perfected dharmakaya." The empty space-like essence is the quality of dharmakaya. Then there is a vivid clear awareness that knows its empty space-like essence. The nature of clarity is emptiness; the nature of emptiness is clarity. They are not separate, they are non-distinct, they are the union of clarity and emptiness. The qualities of the sambogakaya arise from the nature, which is clear awareness. From the union of clarity and emptiness shines the natural radiance of compassion pervading all the reaches of space. It pervades wherever emptiness pervades. We thus say that the buddhas' compassion pervades everywhere. The all-pervasive compassion is the nirmanakaya.

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2012/1/2 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)