台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 快樂與痛苦

我和你們分享的不是大學者的言談,而是一位經驗豐富的老父 的話。

我在勞改營被監禁了二十年,歷經外在很大的艱難困苦。你們 可以說這是「障礙」。但是在內心,我真的不覺得痛苦,不僅 如此,我認為在獄中的這段期間獲益良多。在我被捕之前,當我還是個男孩的時候,我對佛法有信心,但缺乏實修的經驗,我的信心多少有點膚淺。而在獄中,我有機會實際地修持,以忍辱將外在的困苦帶入修道中。我從沒想過會被釋放,只是一 天又一天地過下去,心中沒有任何恐懼或希求。我以慈悲對待 一切眾生,一心依止度母並秘密地向她祈請(譯註:當時獄中 禁止修持佛法或念誦任何祈請文或咒語等等)。如此實修佛法 並看見實修的成果之後,我確信佛法是真實有效用的,並對佛 法產生了深刻而不退轉的信心。

後來我想,和大家分享這些經驗或許能夠對大家有所利益,因此當我四處去傳法的時候,我和大家說的都是出自我親身體驗 的衷心勸言。

想要真正地了解佛法,個人(對佛法)的親身體驗是非常重要 的。我們務必要問:「什麼是真實的快樂?快樂是在外面還是 裡面?」即使是家財萬貫,要什麼有什麼的人,如果家人之間 彼此有恨,那他感受到的是地獄般的痛苦。如果一個人很窮,但對家人慈愛對待,他就像身在淨土裡。快樂只能從內心發出 來,與外在世界完全沒有關係。內心有煩惱的時候,走到哪裡 感受到的都是痛苦,即使外在環境良好也是一樣。如果內心寧 靜且充滿愛心,即使身處於看似艱困的環境中,還是會快樂。 「諸苦源於欲自樂」。

What I am sharing with you are not the words of a great scholar but the words of an old father with a lot of experience. I have experienced great external hardships, having spent twenty years confined in a labor camp. You could call this 'a problem.' However, inside I truly did not experience suffering, moreover I consider my time in prison as a very beneficial time. As a boy, before I was arrested, I had faith in the Dharma but lacking practical experience, my faith was somewhat depthless. In prison I had the opportunity to actually practice, taking external hardships onto the path with patient forbearance. Not a single time did I hope to become free from prison, I lived day by day, free of hopes and fears, sending compassion to beings, relying on Tara, praying to her secretly. Having thus applied the Dharma and seen the results of practice, I gained confidence in the validity of the Dharma and my faith became deep and irreversible.

Then I thought that it would benefit others to share these experiences, and as I travel to teach, I am only sharing my heart advice based on my own experiences. It is important to gain personal experience in order to really understand the Dharma. It is important to ask: What is true happiness? Is it external or internal? Even if one is very rich and has everything one could wish for, if there is hatred in one's family, one experiences hell-like suffering. If one is poor but shares love and kindness with one's family, one experiences a pure land. Happiness can only arise from within the mind, happiness is not at all related to the external world. When the mind is disturbed, one finds suffering anywhere, even in a positive circumstance. If the mind is at peace and filled with love, one finds happiness even while surrounded by a seemingly difficult outer circumstance. "All suffering without exception comes from wishing for one's own happiness."

(轉譯自Garchen Buddhist Institute 2012/3/17 Gar Quotes Message 法訊)