台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 將每日一切受用都供養諸佛, 這是極為重要的開示
將每日一切受用都供養諸佛, 這是極為重要的開示


For those of us who really want to accomplish the meaning of Mahamudra, we need to understand that daily, constantly, we have thoughts of self-clinging arising in the mind, thoughts conditioned by self-clinging. Even when drinking a glass of water, we think "oh, this water is mine." This is 'my' water in 'my' glass and 'I' am drinking. This constantly reinforces this habit. As a result, our self-clinging is like a huge mountain.

If we can create the positive habit of making offerings of all our enjoyments throughout the day to the enlightened ones, then each time we do that, it is like removing one grain of sand from the mountain of self-clinging. If we do this continuously again and again, then one day that mountain will be flattened. If, on the other hand, we don't make mental offerings, then this concept of self continues to grow. So my great hope is that you will all continuously practice offering throughout the day. This is my great personal instruction to you.