台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 修持安忍的竅訣

當你失去安忍的時候,應該要看到這個問題並且對此懺 悔。每當出現這種情況,都應該自許下一次要做得更好, 而且不會再失去安忍。那麼,也許下一次你真的沒有失去 安忍。但是,你終究還是會再度失去安忍。這是一個串習 的訓練。未經訓練,便無法奇蹟似地修成忍辱。竅訣就在 於串習和堅持不懈。若是堅定修持,一定能有進步,並且 最終不再失去安忍。它和任何的學習都一樣,一開始可能 有些困難,但如果加以反覆練習,就會變得容易。這是緩 慢的過程,就算一開始沒有成功,還是要堅持下去。不論 你失敗的頻率有多高,都必須立刻打起精神,重新再來。


安忍的修持並非只有針對憤怒,而是必須對於各種的情緒 都要如此。當貪欲生起時,絕對不可屈服,而要忍耐;當嫉妒生起時,同樣必須忍耐;其他的情緒也是一樣。如果 能對所有的念頭和情緒修持安忍,就不會再受到它們的影 響;若是你還欠缺安忍,便將一再受到這些情緒的控制。 精進的安忍,即是正念覺知。

When you lose your patience, you should recognize this and feel regret. Every time you should make the commitment that next time you are going to do better and that I will not lose patience again. Then you might not lose it the next time, but eventually you will lose it again. It is a training of habituation. You will not be able to miraculously stop being impatient without any training. The pith instruction is habituation, perseverance. If you persevere in practice, your practice will definitely improve, and in the end you will never lose your patience. It is just like learning anything. It may be difficult in the beginning, but if we keep doing it over and over again, it becomes easy. It is a slow process, and you have to persist even if you fail in the beginning. No matter how often you fall, you must get up and do it again. As your patience increases, you can take a vow: "No matter how much they provoke me, I shall not get angry." This is the essence of the bodhisattva vows.

But patience does not only apply to anger, it must be practiced with all emotions. When desire arises, you must not give in, but forbear; when jealousy arises, you must forbear, etc. If you are able to be patient with all thoughts and emotions, you will not fall under their power again. If you lack patience, you will again and again fall under the power of these emotions. Diligent forbearance is mindful awareness.